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  Tenders/Auctions Closing Today
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S.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1. 31-Dec-2024 10:30 AM 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 03:00 PM [CONSTRUCTION OF ANTI-POACHING CAMP] [B/WAWL/TENDER/NTCF/2024/2390][2024_PCCF_41784_1] Pr. Chief Conservator of Forest and Head of Forest Force||Principal Chief Conservator of Forests(Wildlife and Ch. Wildlife Warden)||Western Assam Wildlife Division
2. 19-Nov-2024 06:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 02:00 PM [Design and Construction of 100 Bedded New District Hospital in Abhayapuri in Bongaigaon District of Assam in EPC Mode ] [IN-AHIDMS-457643-CW-RFB][2024_MDRDE_40436_1] Medical Education and Research Department- Externally Aided Project||Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society
3. 28-Dec-2024 10:00 AM 21-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 01:30 PM [Up-gradation and Strengthening of Old Functional AdarshaVidyalayaat Mazbat, Udalguri, Assam. 547-1] [No. TECH- 05/SE(B)/E-Tender][2024_BoTC_41751_1] Bodoland Territorial Council||PWD-BTC
4. 31-Dec-2024 02:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 02:00 PM [Installation of 2 pts MDTW Scheme at Seuji Pam And Kakopathar Nav Nirman Bahumukhi Samabay Samity under SOPD-G For the year 2024-25] [TC(I)/A-11/03/2024-25][2024_ID_41787_1] Irrigation Department||Chief Engineer(Major)-Irrigation Dept||Tinsukia Circle
5. 28-Dec-2024 10:00 AM 21-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 01:30 PM [Up-gradation and Strengthening of Old Functional AdarshaVidyalayaat Rowta, Udalguri, Assam. 547-2] [No. TECH- 05/SE(B)/E-Tender][2024_BoTC_41752_1] Bodoland Territorial Council||PWD-BTC
6. 30-Dec-2024 06:45 PM 21-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 02:30 PM [Proposal for Administrative approval for an amount of Rs.99.93 lakh to Jagiroad College, Morigaon.(Construction of proposed Academic cum Administrative Building at Jagiroad College) Dist.Morigaon] [SE/NBC/e-procurement/JC][2024_PWBNH_41777_1] Public Works Building and NH Department||Chief Engineer-Building - PWBNH||SE-Guwahati Circle-2 - PWBNH
7. 01-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 22-Jan-2025 12:30 PM [Renovation Repairing of Professor Quarter (Faculty Complex) of GMCH near Doordarshan Tower (Third and Fourth floor)] [SE/BII/Renov. Repair_Prof. Qtr_GMCH][2024_PWBNH_41781_1] Public Works Building and NH Department||Chief Engineer-Building - PWBNH||SE-Guwahati Circle-2 - PWBNH||Dispur Ghy East Teritorial Building Division
8. 17-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 22-Jan-2025 02:00 PM [GM /DZ/APDCL/UAR/2024-25/ North East Oxygen Gas Company /153 ] [GM /DZ/APDCL/UAR/2024-25/ North East Oxygen Gas Company /153][2025_APDCL_42186_1] Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd||CGM(D) Upper Assam Region - APDCL||GM(Dibrugarh Zone) - APDCL
9. 17-Dec-2024 06:30 PM 21-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 04:00 PM [Consulting Services for Design, Development, Operation and Maintenance of a Water Resources Asset Management System (WRAMS) for river basins of Assam with specific data population for Beki, Buridehing and Jiadhal sub-basins under AIRBMP] [WRD _HIU_CS8_WRAMS][2024_DoWR_41355_1] Department of Water Resources||Chief Engineer - DoWR
10. 01-Jan-2025 11:00 AM 21-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 03:00 PM [ Installation of 2 Points MDTW Scheme at Jiyadhal Area under SOPD-G for the year 2024-25 under Dhemaji Jonai Division (Irrigation), Dhemaji.] [NIT No.10 LCI/NL/SOPD-G/2024-25 dt. 27/12/2024][2024_ID_41770_1] Irrigation Department||Chief Engineer(Major)-Irrigation Dept||Lakhimpur Circle
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